January 26, 2025
essential equipment and installations in a car garage

What are the essential equipment and installations in a car garage?


A car garage is a mechanical workshop whose specificity is the maintenance and repair of cars of all brands. The opening of such a workshop requires the presence of certain tools and equipment in order to fully ensure the performance of the various tasks. For this, a mechanic must be well equipped in order to cope well with all situations and requests.

The essential primary equipment in a car garage

The choice of equipment is generally defined according to the different services that a mechanic wishes to perform in his garage. It is according to this that he establishes a list of the primary elements necessary for the proper functioning of his workshop.

According to the opinions of professionals such as SAS PRO MAINTENANCE , from one car garage to another, the list of said equipment varies. However, to start well, you need a minimum of equipment.Personal protective equipment is essential for working safely in a car garage . These include protective goggles and gloves, helmets, insulating aprons and many other important elements for human protection.

Traditional tools

These are toolboxes, soda stations. To these is added any equipment relating to small mechanical equipment.

Basic tools
The lift is the first basic tool that can be mentioned in this case. Also in terms of basic tools are found the elements of washing, handling, control and cleaning. Recovery tanks, tire mounts, information and ground connection systems are also among these.

Essential secondary equipment in a car garage

As their names suggest, they are secondary materials that complement the first ones in order to facilitate tasks in a garage. The role of secondary equipment is to help a mechanic to gain productivity on repairs.

They are real time and effort saving tools within an automotive workshop. The car garage , for its good development must also be equipped with bodywork and descaling equipment. Bodywork and descaling materials are garage tools intended to offer quality services to its customers. They are able to find servants stocked up to the reglo-lighthouse.

Added to these materials are piston or screw compressors. Whether or not they are fitted with a head offering flow rates of 10 to 145m 3 /h, they can be perfectly combined with air dryers for general body repair needs.

Essential installations in a car garage

Apart from the equipment deemed important or essential in a car garage, there are also other essential achievements. These are the installations of devices that can make tasks easier, such as: tire changers; wheel balancers and maintenance. There are also electronic benches for carrying out diagnostics, adjustments, performance and safety operation checks.

Fault detection devices are also indispensable in a car workshop . They are different according to each brand of vehicle and the price of which can be very expensive. Always with the aim of ensuring the proper functioning of a garage , the installation of certain control devices will also be beneficial.

These are essentially quality control devices for materials such as: spare parts. If the purchase of these auto parts is not done in the right place, the work done will be in vain. Hence the importance of these diagnostic devices to ensure the good quality of the parts purchased.

Ultimately, you have just discovered in a few lines the equipment and installations essential for the proper functioning of a garage. It is therefore up to you to choose those that go perfectly with your workshop and your financial capacity in order to perform well the tasks recommended by your customers.

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